
Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2024

Geometry in Sports

Sport is full of examples of geometry in action , making it an excellent educational tool. Have you ever wondered how athletes make those amazing, perfect moves in games? The answer is geometry! Let's explore how different sports use geometric concepts and how we can learn and teach geometry through them. Consider football : players need to understand angles and trajectories to pass and kick the ball effectively. Imagine a player is going to make a pass; he needs to calculate the right angle for the ball to reach his teammate. In addition, the strategy of the game involves forming geometric patterns, such as triangles and diamonds, to maintain possession of the ball and move towards the opponent's goal. For example, the famous ‘triangle pass’ helps players evade defenders and strategically advance up the field. In basketball , an understanding of geometry helps players calculate shots and strategically position themselves on the court. To make a successful shot, a player must c

Mobile Applications for Learning Geometry

Today, as a future teacher and a 20-year-old teenager, I know that technology is increasingly present not only in our daily lives but also in the educational field. That is why technology offers powerful tools to learn geometry in an interactive way. Applications such as ‘Geoboard’ and ‘Geometry Pad’ allow students to experiment with geometric shapes and figures on a digital platform. These apps allow children to manipulate shapes, explore properties and solve geometric problems in a playful way. ‘Geoboard’ is a free app that simulates a pegboard, where students can create geometric shapes using virtual rubber bands. They can explore concepts such as perimeter, area and angles, and see how the properties of shapes change when manipulated. Interaction with this application helps students to better visualise geometric shapes and their characteristics.  TUTORIAL ‘Geometry Pad‘ offers a more advanced experience, allowing students to draw precise geometric figures, measure angles and leng

Optical Illusions and the Magic of Geometry

Hey guys! Today we are going to explore the fascinating world of optical illusions and discover how geometry plays a crucial role in these amazing visual tricks. Optical illusions use geometric shapes and patterns to trick our eyes and brains, making us see things that aren't there or that behave in impossible ways. Optical illusions are images that manipulate our visual perception , creating effects that challenge our understanding of space and shape. Geometry is the key to creating these illusions , as geometric shapes and patterns can interact in ways that trick our brains. A famous example is the ‘Penrose Triangle’ . At first glance, it looks like a normal triangle, but on closer inspection, we notice that it cannot exist in reality. This triangle uses angles and lines in a way that our brain tries to interpret as a three-dimensional figure, even though this is impossible. The ‘Escher Staircase’ is another classic illusion. Designed by the artist M.C. Escher, this staircase

Geometry in Everyday Life: Exploring Our Environment

Geometry is not only found in textbooks, it is everywhere in our environment. From the buildings we see every day to the everyday objects in our homes, geometry plays a crucial role. For example, children can learn about shapes and angles by observing the structures of buildings in their city. They can identify rectangles in windows, triangles on roofs and circles in clocks on walls. This activity can be turned into a treasure hunt, where children photograph and catalogue different geometric shapes they find around them. At home, children can also identify shapes in everyday objects. Plates, tables and lamps are perfect examples of how geometry is present in our lives. Even cooking activities can include geometric concepts, such as cutting a cake into equal parts or measuring ingredients using different units of volume and weight (although this will be discussed in more detail in another post). Geometry also manifests itself in nature. The patterns on leaves, the shells of snails and

The Story of Geometry: A Fascinating Tale

Once upon a time, in a distant kingdom called " Mathematics ," there was a wonderful branch of knowledge known as Geometry. This kingdom was not only filled with numbers and formulas but also incredible stories and legendary characters that helped shape it. And there is no better way to start this blog than by telling this magical tale! In the beginning of mathematical times, there lived a wise man named Euclid , known to all as the "Father of Geometry." Euclid was so wise that he wrote a set of magical books called "The Elements." These books were like grimoires full of secrets about straight lines, angles, and plane figures that even today, thousands of years later, we continue to learn in our schools. Imagine how powerful his knowledge was to have endured for so long! In another corner of the kingdom, there lived a wizard named Pythagoras . This wizard discovered a very special geometric spell known as the Pythagorean Theorem. The spell said that in a r


Hello everyone!  My name is Carlos Calles García . I'm from Seville and I'm thrilled to welcome you to "Geometry for Everyone”. Currently, I'm in the third year of the Double Degree in Primary Education and English Studies at the University of Malaga. In order for you to get to know the person behind this blog a little better and to make this space a little more personal, I would like to tell you that I am passionate about tennis, although I currently play paddle tennis. In addition to my sporting hobbies, I am very interested in exploring the wonders of geometry and that is why with this blog, I hope to learn a lot and use the knowledge acquired for my future role as a teacher. In our magical world, shapes and lines intertwine to create the beautiful environment that surrounds us. Geometry is like a special language that helps us understand and appreciate the beauty in everything, from the simplest to the most incredible. This space, "Geometry for Everyone"