
Hello everyone! 

My name is Carlos Calles García . I'm from Seville and I'm thrilled to welcome you to "Geometry for Everyone”. Currently, I'm in the third year of the Double Degree in Primary Education and English Studies at the University of Malaga.

In order for you to get to know the person behind this blog a little better and to make this space a little more personal, I would like to tell you that I am passionate about tennis, although I currently play paddle tennis. In addition to my sporting hobbies, I am very interested in exploring the wonders of geometry and that is why with this blog, I hope to learn a lot and use the knowledge acquired for my future role as a teacher.

In our magical world, shapes and lines intertwine to create the beautiful environment that surrounds us. Geometry is like a special language that helps us understand and appreciate the beauty in everything, from the simplest to the most incredible. This space, "Geometry for Everyone", is specially designed to explore the wonders of geometry and unravel its mysteries in an easy and enjoyable way.

Here, we will delve into the fascinating world of 3D shapes, angles, and geometric figures, and we'll do it in a way that is exciting and easy to understand for everyone!

I'm delighted to have the opportunity to share this journey with you. I hope you enjoy exploring the wonderful world of geometry with me! Welcome to "Geometry for Everyone"!

Warm regards,

Carlos Calles García


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